Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Florida Medical Card
A Florida medical card is a way for people with certain health conditions to legally access medical marijuana and other products. It gives the holder legal protections and a way to get high-quality, state-regulated medical marijuana. Getting your Florida medical marijuana card is a process that involves a consultation, a doctor’s recommendation, and then enrolling in the state database. This article covers everything you need to know about getting a Florida medical card.
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Our doctors at Veriheal will help you determine whether or not you can qualify for a Florida medical marijuana card. We’ll review your ailment and medical history, then perform an exam to determine if you have one of the qualifying health conditions in Florida. Then we’ll recommend you for a medical marijuana prescription (technically, it’s not a prescription; in Florida, it’s called a “recommendation”).
After our doctor writes your medical marijuana recommendation, they submit it to the state’s Marijuana Use Registry and provide you with a patient ID number. At this point, you can start to shop at dispensaries in the state of Florida for medical marijuana and other products containing cannabinoids.
You’ll need to bring a driver’s license or state-issued identification card, proof of address, and a form of payment. For caregivers, the requirements are more stringent. In addition to the same ID requirements as patients, they must also submit a copy of their license or state-issued identification card and a document proving that they are a Florida resident, such as a deed, utility bill, mortgage statement, rent receipt or lease agreement.